Welcome to Cross and Resurrection's Endowment Fund page!

What is an endowment?

An endowment is an opportunity to provide an ongoing and reliable source of funding for a ministry, such as the work done at Cross and Resurrection on the campus of Eastern Michigan University.

The Endowment Fund was dedicated to the late Pastor Jungkuntz who had a passion for campus ministry. As a way of ensuring Cross and Resurrection could consistently impact the Ypsilanti community and EMU staff and students as the only physical presence of God on campus, without relying on what congregational members could give, the Endowment Fund was created. 

Cross and Resurrection is not only the physical location of church services on Sundays, but is also the meeting place of multiple student groups on campus, including Christian organizations not welcome at a secular university. Cross and Resurrection also offers free pancakes, waffles, and board games to play every Friday night from 10pm-1am. It is affectionately been called The Pancake Church and brings in more students than any other weekly event at the church. Lastly, it is a safe space for anyone needing somewhere to go.

If you are able, please consider making a donation to the Jungkuntz Endowment Fund to help this building be a place everyone can come to, no matter what point in life they are in. If they are Christian or want to come back to the church, we want to be here for everyone. 

For smaller donations: Please use our Kindrid page under "Endowment Fund" here: https://www.kindridgiving.com/App/Giving/cros812232

For larger donations, please mail in your donation with the memo line "Endowment Fund" or "Jungkuntz Fund"  to our address at: 

812 Ann St. Ypsilanti, MI, 48197.
